Çalışma Yüzeyi 67

Misyon Vizyon ve Hedefler

Mission of Technology, Ecology and Design Research Laboratory in Landscape Architecture; To accelerate the research-based development of the Landscape Architecture discipline, to develop the research and development potential locally in the light of the current developments in the field of landscape architecture on a global scale, to direct the development of landscape architecture science and culture in the combination of ecology, technology and art with the vision of academia.

In line with this mission, the main objectives of the laboratory are; To disseminate ongoing Landscape Architecture research in the field of Landscape Architecture on national and international platforms, to develop the principle of "excellence in design" with a research-based approach, to integrate the research spirit into the education field by including undergraduate and graduate students in this research environment to be defined, and to advance the discipline of Landscape Architecture in a scientific dimension.

Technology, Ecology and Design Research Laboratory in Landscape Architecture is a unit that aims to develop Landscape Design in our country by considering it from a research perspective. Research topics to be covered within the scope of the laboratory; Informatics in Landscape Architecture, Database Landscape Design, Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and urban flora research with iTree, Computational Design Methods from Landscape Architecture Perspective, Performance evaluation and improvement, performance-based landscape design, ecological design, advanced production in landscape design applications In addition to the subjects that aim to integrate technological innovations such as the use of technology methods, the development of virtual and augmented reality technologies through landscape representations, social and cultural research in landscape design, the approach of urban, rural and natural areas with the perspective of landscape architecture, the development of landscape design methods focusing on these areas. It covers the provision of services and services related to the subject.

The vision of the Technology, Ecology and Design Research Laboratory in Landscape Architecture has been determined as "to develop the Landscape Architecture culture in a multidisciplinary and research-based manner". In this context, it is aimed to produce a multidimensional and polyphonic research environment such as the disciplines in the axis of informatics, natural sciences, engineering, fine arts, environmental sciences, social sciences, although the topics to be covered include the design and planning disciplines.