
Urban Landscape Planning and Design

Research Projects

Preparation of Disaster Responsive Open-Green Area Planning and Design Guide for ITU Ayazağa Campus


The experiences in February 2023 revealed that sustainable disaster management and disaster-sensitive spatial planning and design studies have a critical role in creating resilient cities. This study aims to develop a new approach in the context of landscape architecture, one of the spatial planning and design disciplines, for the city of Istanbul, which is under high earthquake risk but is also rapidly changing and developing, and losing its open-green areas as it changes.

In the city of Istanbul, there are many campus areas scattered throughout the city with different functions. If campus open-green areas are planned and designed in a disaster-sensitive manner, it will be possible to talk about a campus network system on an urban scale. This study deals with disaster-sensitive campus open-green space planning and design in a 3-scale setup, from urban scale to campus cluster scale and ITU Ayazağa Campus. The main purpose determined is the Development of Disaster-Sensitive Landscape Planning and Design Guide Proposal for ITU Ayazağa Campus. Sub-objectives of the study; "Revealing the potential of the city of Istanbul regarding disaster management in the context of campuses", "Determining the potential of ITU Ayazağa Campus within the Urban Campus Cluster system" and "Revealing the parameters - methods that will guide disaster-sensitive landscape planning and design for ITU Ayazağa Campus".

Within the framework of these purposes, campus-scale studies are carried out by using GIS technology, expert surveys, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Processes (ANP and Simple Sum Weighting) and Suitability Analyzes, disaster-sensitive open-green area typologies are determined and relevant design approaches and strategies are developed.

There is no guide study in our country that integrates campus open-green areas into the disaster management system. In this context, the project will be beneficial in ensuring resilience not only for ITU Ayazağa Campus and the City of Istanbul, but also for other cities and campuses at risk of earthquakes.